Sunday, July 31, 2011

The painted House.......A Harlequin Patterned Powder Room

My clients love harlequin diamonds. Therefore,  I get a lot of requests to adorn walls with the ever popular design. The Harlequin design,  a repeating pattern of contrasting diamonds or elongated squares standing on end, has been around since  the fifteenth century. It is still a theme which is in high demand. This design can be found in antique fine furniture, marquetry, inlaid boxes, tables, dressers, and even floors.

The Italian-based classical character, the servant, wore colorful diamond-patterned tights and a mask.

Creating harlequin diamonds require lots of patience and measuring, but is well worth the intensive labor involved. If you want to save some time here is a harlequin calculator harlequin diamond calculator courtesy of Silverspoon Murals

Lots of 1"or 2" blue tape.
Soft fine pencil ( I use a mechanical pencil)
White Eraser ( art store or Michaels)
Chalk line 
Chalk in the color of the paint    or 
Pastel Pencils in the color of the paint
Two contrasting paint colors*  or if you like to create a monotone design use Eggshell sheen *

 Level ( if possible 5ft long) **
Ruler (if possible 5ft long)
Drop cloths
Paint roller
Angled paint brush ( for touch ups)
Razor ( for mitering corners)

* If you choose a monotone color theme you may use Eggshell sheen paint and MinWax satin polycrylic. 
** available at the wallpaper section in any paint store.
Step One:

Decide on the size of your diamonds. The rule of thumb is that the height of the diamond is twice the width. Now that you have figured out the the design or size, select a focal point. Usually the wall you see, entering the room. Completed this task you are now ready to tackle step two.

Step Two

Paint the room in the color of your choice.

Step Three:
Having calculated the height and width of
Courtesy of Silverspoon murals
 your diamond theme draw vertical lines onto the wall. The space between each line equals the width of your diamond. Continue around the room until each wall is done

Step Four:
Draw the horizontal lines onto the wall. These lines represent the height of your diamond theme. Continue around the room until each wall is done.

Step Five:
Once you have laid out your pattern you might have to make small adjustments in  each corner so the diamonds match up. You may make these small adjustments with the width only. 
Courtesy of Silverspoon Murals 
  Step Six: Find and mark the middle of each rectangle and mark the top, bottom,left and right side. Connect the points, using your ruler, chalk line, pencil or pastel pencil. Be aware that using a chalk line will deposit chalk residue on the wall.

Courtesy of Silverspoon Murals

 Step 7:
Having  your base color applied to all walls (step two) you now have to tape off each diamond. Mark each alternating diamond with a piece of tape, so you will not get confused which diamond to paint with the contrasting color. Use you single edge razor blade to miter the tape corners.

My client wanted a tufted harlequin pattern so I omitted contrasting paint colors, which gives you a subtle effect.

Try this classical design and let us know how you did. Good luck,



  1. I really like the Tufted Harlequin look you created. I tried to look up how to create this but could not find it anywhere. I did not understand the whole process from your blog. I was wondering if you could offer any other instructions. I realize that this is a finish you probably get paid to do so I completely understand if you do not want to give further instructions but I thought I would ask. I am amazed by the effects you create on your blog. Thank you for all the ideas.

