April 9, 2010The Color Palette through the Ages......
Create A Color Palette
From prehistoric times, we artists have left and our imprint of our paintings for the rest of the world to see, First our artwork was used as a road map to a source of food, a way to mark our territory or tracking a location for other homo sapients. In these times we used pigments like red oxide, bone black, carbon black(vegetable black),6500B.C - 2010 A.D.
also called charcoal. BTW this BC is used nowadays as a toner for printers and copiers.
In this Renaissance painting you see clearly that carbon black was used as first glaze.
April 4, 2010
I was born with a paint brush in my hand.
However, it took me 27 years, to finally act on it. Moral of the story: Don't ever let anyone tell you " you are not good enough" because "You are good enough"
Do you love color? I hope that you do you do. Colors make or don't make a faux painting technique.
Here is a little story about one of my favorite faux artist and friend. C.E.
Many moons ago, I met Crystal on my message board. This awesome faux painter called herself the "Powder Room Queen" meaning that she only was able to get powder room commissions. I had a gut feeling about what was wrong, but never told her until she won a free class here at the Faux Academy. One look and I knew. Her colors were gorgeous; however not suited for anything but powder rooms. They were strong, beautiful and awesome. But you must think "neutral" for common areas in the home. You or your client can always accessorize withe color. Long story short result... we changed her portfolio and "the rest is history". I believe that's what one says her in America about someone who is extremely successful. Crystal has been and is a welcomed team member on any of my VIP commissions.
Crystal, you go girl!!!!
Here is something what color does for you. Have FUN.
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