Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Decorative Painting - Diary of a MacKenzie - Childs Library Table

Sometimes I really get mad at myself; especially buying "things" with the re-do, decorative painting and faux painting  thought behind it. Of course,  I could have a big sale offering my hand painted wares. Never happens!!! Well, I am going to change this now!

I love MacKenzie - Childs furniture. I am sure that you have seen these fun pieces, intricately hand painted. I am also sure, that many of us can't afford them. Although, they are worth every penny.

Since many moons ago, I wanted to create a piece like it; just to have one. I always wondered, if I could do such fun and intricate work. I finally made up my mind. I will be doing a piece, risking that terrible thought of "failure". I am going to jump over my own shadow.

I selected a nice, small table, which I stole for $5.00 at a local flea market. An intricate style  in itself, thus it will make the painting very hard. But I am trusting on your support, cheering me on, doing one table leg at a time
My library Table ... Ah, so pitiful
First things first: I have lightly sanded the table followed by a light wash with lacquer thinner. You must wear a mask, or better yet a respirator and protective glasses. 

That being done,  I gave one leg 2 coats of black paint. That's something, don't you think? A step in the right direction. Gee, it's hard to be scared and not knowing what to do. But, with help from above, I am determined to complete such utterly scaring project. Stay tune and be safe.


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