Recently I spent 4 months in Europe. Many moons ago, I immigrated to the USA. Since then, America has become my home away from home. I love the American way. However, I did not realize how much I really missed some of the European ways. Things, I was not aware of. Something I did not realize on my previous six week visits.
One thing I really miss and missed are the European " Wochenmarkt"
( Open air Farmers Markets). One possibly can't imagine the abundance of fresh and pesticide free flowers, veggies, breads, cheese etc.

The market is alive.
- You meet friends and acquaintances.
- You sample the goodies being offered at almost every stand.
- It's fun it energizes me.
- The wares are pesticide free.
- Most of all the the food is fresh.
Come spring, the number one offering, the Grüne Soße, a delicious summer dish said to be the favorite of German favorite of German playwright "Goethe",(Green Sauce), is also my favorite spring and summer meal, even so it's not Austrian.
Well, I must go and fix some Grüne Soße. C'om on over and have some.
Stay tune, I will give you the recipe in my next post. PROMISE!
Guten Appetit!

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