“Florentine Plaster”

The incredible Florentine plaster is an easy, yet gorgeous faux finish technique. Still, after about twenty years, one of the best sellers. FP looks like a multi layer technique, but is not. Production is fast, easy and can not be compared to other textured techniques, due to inexpensive application. Contemporary, modern or electic, take your pick, Florentine Plaster will always be the "talk of the party"


An exquisite crocodile leather look alike faux finish. Designed and created for a famous baseball player. The king size bed, custom made to highlight this faux wall finish. Mediums used: Water Putty, Olive oil, gift-wrap etc.


(`granjər,`granˌdyo͝or/) noun: splendor and impressiveness, especially of appearance or style. The dictionary says it all. This grandiose faux finish was created with MM metallic plaster, gold powder and assorted MM metallics.

“There's No Crying in Baseball”

An extremely fast and effective wall glazing finish resembling a baseball. Created with paint only.


I found this beautiful faux finish in Florence, Italy in the Orsini Palace.

Welcome to My Home

Hello and Welcome!! My name is Heidi and one of my passion is faux painting. However, there are otherpasions and I live them daily. Take your pick. Interior design, decorating on the shabby side, gardening, herbs, fashion, culture and and last but not least "Style". In my world, the day should have 48 hours and more.

I am here to share some of my adventures with you, because I love to share and teach. I hope that you come by often and stay a while. Thank you for sharing your time with me.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Granit Küchenplatten - mit Farbe

Jedes Mal wenn Sie in Ihre Küche kommen, werden Sie mit Ihren alten und verbrauchten Arbeitsplatten konfrontiert. Wäre es nicht schön, diese traurig aussehenden Küchenarbeitsplatten zu einem neuen Leben erwecken. Wäre es nicht schön, wenn Sie nicht in derselben Lage wie unsere Regierung wären, und müssen nicht unter schwersten Budgeteinschränkungen mit unserer verbrauchten Wirtschaft mithalten?

Nun, im Gegensatz zu unserer Regierung habe ich einen Zauberstab. Ich werde Ihre Zauberfee sein und Ihren Wunsch, trendige Granit Küchenplatten zu bekommen, erfüllen. Mit Farbe können Sie sofort Ihre Wünsche erfüllen und Ihren Küchenarbeitsplatten sofort eine ganz neue Stimmung verleihen. Und das Beste daran, es ist preiswert, Sie können es selber machen und Sie können Ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf lassen. Ich spreche hier von Granit. Granit ….. mit Farbe kreativ gestaltet. Ihre Freunde werden Sie  beneiden.

Natürlich müssen wir einige Vorbereitungen treffen. Keine Angst, bis heute Abend werden Sie Granit Küchenarbeitsplatten haben, die den Test in jedem trendigen Einrichtungsmagazin bestehen.

Sie brauchen:
                                  Schwarze Acrylfarbe

So wird’s gemacht
1. Arbeitsplatte abkleben
2. Oberfläche abschleifen
3. Mit Ammoniak waschen
4. Gründlich trocknen

5. Grundierung  mit  dem Farbroller  auftragen
6. Trocknen lassen
7. Schwarz streichen und trocknen lassen
8. Leicht abschleifen
9. Schwarz streichen und trocknen lassen

Jetzt können Sie mit der Granit Lasur beginnen.


Granit Lasur:

Sie brauchen

3 Kontrast Latex- oder Acrylfarben (Ich habe Schwarz, Weiß, Rot Oxide und Gelb benutzt)
Acryl Hochglanzlack
Natur Schwamm

Benutzen Sie nur Natur Schwämme die für malen geeignet sind.

1.    Verdünnen Sie die Farben auf den Papptellern bis Sie eine dünne Lasur haben.
2.    Mit dem feuchten Schwamm nehmen Sie die erste Farbe auf, dann kurz auf das Zeitungspapier tupfen und danach auf die schwarze Oberfläche.
3.     Betupfen Sie ganz schnell und leicht die komplette Oberfläche mit dem Schwamm. Waschen Sie  den Schwamm aus und wiederholen Sie diesen Vorgang mit allen Farben. Falls Abdrücke vom Schwamm zu sehen sind, müssen Sie weicher arbeiten. Solche Abdrücke verraten leider das hier ein Anfänger am werkeln ist! Nun lassen Sie Ihr Meisterwerk trocken und tragen danach  drei mal Acryllack auf. Fertig

Viel Spaß, ich werde mich freuen wenn Sie sich bei mir melden und erzählen wie toll Ihre Küchenarbeitsplatten geworden sind

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Fabulous Kitchen counters for Less .... 2 cures for formica counter tops.

Every time you walk into your kitchen,  you are confronted with your dated  looking counter tops. Don't you wish that you could do something about that  sad situation? Don't you wish you wouldn't be in the same boat like our government? Under severe budget constraints, keeping  up with the trashed economy?

Well, contrary to our government, I do have a magic wand! Let me be your Genie and fulfill your wish for a granite, or even that hot concrete counter, everybody is talking about.

Of course,  we need to accomplish some prep work first. Not to worry, by tonight you can have your concrete or granite counter top, which will stand the test of time in any trendy home magazine. .  

These are the supplies you will need for your concrete counter top:

Prep Supplies ( you use the same for the Granite prep work).

                                  1.2.3. Primer
                                  Sand paper
                                  Cigar Roller

1. Tape off the counter.
2. Sand
3. Wash with ammonia
4. Dry thoroughly
5. Apply primer with a cigar roller

Concrete Paste:

1. Durhams Water Putty
2. Caulk
3. Water

1. Mix water putty with water ( frosting consistency)
2. Squirt caulk into the mixture ( 1cup mix/1/4cup caulk)
3. Stir thoroughly

The mixture will be somewhat creamy white. Now you can tint the mix with universal tint, or you just can can apply the mix "pure". Let it dry an then stain it or paint it. I stained mine red.

As you see in the back, I am working on creating fake tiles.


Same prep supplies like for the concrete

Latex-or Acrylic paint ( I used black, white, red oxide and yellow)
News paper
Paper plates
Acrylic high gloss varnish
Natural Sea wool sponge
Do not use a natural sea grass sponge.
  1. Paint the primed surface black and let dry.
  2. On your paper plates, thin your paints to a heavy cream consistency.
  3. Dip your damp sponge into the first paint, dip on your news paper and then onto the black surface.
  4. In quick motion sponge the entire surface. Dip your sponge in the other paints and follow above same  steps. If you have "geometry" meaning that you can see sponge marks, you must soften your marks. Geometry is a dead give-away for a beginner.

Have fun and let me know how your Granite or Concrete counter turned out.

Blessings ,


Friday, May 13, 2011

At Large in the US - New Website

Finally, after a long illness, I am back to my old tricks. It seems that centuries have passed, since I started to re-design my ever so ugly website. The end is near and we are ready to launch the site tonight.

I truly hope that you'll find the site enjoyable and also very helpful.

For your benefit I set up a forum again. In the hope that you'll  find it " a good thing" I decided to give it a try one more time.To get the forum and the website interesting enough for you to spend some time there, check out the contests. You can win two classes of your choice; and here is a "very good thing"  the lodging is also free.

I sincerely hope, that I'll see you there. Let's have some fun.



Faux painting  Home Page

Saturday, May 7, 2011

With Love from the USA

Shabby Chic - Wie Denn????

Shabby Chic (schäbiger Chic) ist alles andere als "schäbig"! Für mich ist dieser bezaubernde Stil eine Lebenseinstellung. Weg mit steifer Eleganz und her mit der natürlichen Romantik. Shabby Chic ist ein Stil der Erinnerungen und Heirlooms. Natürlich passt Omas Schrank ganz wunderbar in die Ecke vom Schlafzimmer. Die Patina von yesteryear, besonders charakteristisch für den Shabby Chic, wird Sie immer wieder aufs Neue erfreuen.

Die Patina längst vergangener Tage können Sie auch mit fantasievollen Gebrauchsspuren künstlich selber herstellen. Abgeplatze Lacke, weiß gebeitztes – oder auch unbearbeitetes rohes Holz, antikes Leinen und Toile du Jour wird Ihr Shabby Chic Heim stilgerecht gestalten. Natürlich gehört auch das obligatorische Flohmarkt Schnäppchen als beliebtes Accessoire dazu.

Wenn Sie sich in diesen zauberhaften Stil verliebt haben, brauchen sie keine große Geldanlage, sondern Sie sollten sich erstmals nach Herzenslust in ihren eigenen vier Wänden umschauen. Da gibt es bestimmt viele Heirlooms und Gegenstände die Sie nicht vermissen wollen.
Mit diesen Accessoires können Sie sofort Ihr Heim in Shabby Chic verwandeln:
  • Hand beschriftete Kissen
Courtesy of Nancy Reid , La Maison Reid.
Vielleicht können Sie Nancy  besuchen und sie herzlichst begrüßen
Antikes Leinen, Spitzen und Chenille

    •  Weisse Hussen 

    Hier haben Sie einige kreative Ideen bekommen. Ich hoffe, daß es Ihnen gelingt Ihr Heim im Shabby Chic Stil zu gestalten. Sollten Sie noch zusätzlich Fragen haben, werde ich Ihnen nartürlich gerne helfen.

    Viel Erfolg!!!



    Thursday, May 5, 2011

    At Large in the US - with Modern Masters

    Rust - I love it, maybe because I am a bit rusty already. Also  a faux finish  which is going to stick.

    I have tried many mediums to create rust and actually I have come up with my own creation. However, if you would like to have an easy  and no brainer way, you must choose The Modern Masters Rust Activator coupled wit their Iron Paint. Yes, they do actually make iron paint. 

    I have worked with Modern Masters products since 30 year and I absolutely love their line. 
    The quality of their products is unsurpassed, especially the metallic line . Although I still miss the metallic powders they used to offer. Do yourself a favor and hop over to a truly a great product line. You will also find lots of inspiration and best of all recipe cards. So go on over..... I dont mind.

    Here are a few examples I have created with Modern Masters

    From PVC Pipes to Fireplaces

    Mediterranean Slate Backsplash



    Ceiling Medallion

    A Golden-Bronze Foyer. Spetecular

    Shimmer stone mixed with burnishing gold and Activator 

    If you any question please feel free to call their customer service and again unsurpassed help will be available.

    Happy painting,

    Wednesday, May 4, 2011

    At large Europe - Grüne Soße - Green Sauce

    Wow - I promised and I deliver!!! There are little wonders in this world.

    Grüne Soße - Green Sauce - sounds like these slimy things kids  play with. Not really, it is a really healthy summer herb concoction which is refreshing and engerizing; and...... it's all good and healthy.

    So lets roll up our sleves, get the apron on and let's brew some green sauce, a typical summer dish from the Frankfurt, Germany area.

    Let's do something for our stress ridden bodies and give it some "Health"

    Here is what you need:
    Sour Cream
    Lots of hard boiled eggs
    Optional: Mayonaise   and the following herbs.

    Mix sour cream and yogurt and stir in the chopped herbs. Fold the cut up eggs into the sauce and let rest overnight. Season to taste with salt and pepper. You might also add a shot of Vinegar.

    This delicious dish is served with boilded yukon Potatoes or with a beef brisket. Absolutely positively heavenly. Enjoy and

    Guten Appetit!

    BTW I have been growing these herbs since years in my heavenly herb garden.


    Red Veined Sorrel

    Salad Burnett





    Lemon Balm

    With our current unpredictable economy, you may chose to use also Lovage, Daisy leaves , spinach  leaves and or Plantain( white man's foot) and dandelion leaves.

    Sunday, May 1, 2011

    At Large In Europe - "Her Majesty requests ....

    Her Majesty Requests.....
    London, England-Imagine, you are in your PJ's, suited up with your favorite colored curlers, coffee in hand and.... making your way to the mail box. In it you find  this
    The Queen is calling ......

    Embossed with Welsh gold and adorned with the EIIR insignia, this invitation maintains the tradition that began in 1860 with Queen Victoria. Every year Elisabeth II, Queen of England, opens the private gardens at Buckingham Palace hosting her famous tea parties.
    For me, this Tea Party is both exciting and a bit intimidating. I want to prepare myself to meet Her Majesty .

    Naturally, my first thought is which hat I should wear. I love to wear hats and have many of them starting with vintage pill boxes

    Next, I will concentrate on a suitable garment. Alas, you can't go wrong with black and white

    Now I am set and I and 7999 other invites can relax and have some tea, cucumber sandwiches, scones, slices of cake and last but not least meet Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II.

    We will be having.....
    •   Butter drop scones

      • Butter cake fingers
      • Bridge Rolls
      • Fruit tartlets
      • Slices of various cakes

      and of course the obligatory "Maison Lyons" tea,

      a special blend exclusively produced for the Royal household and its famous tea parties.

      At three o'clock the gates open and 8,000 people will be  making their way into the garden. "Garden" is a understatement. The royal garden is a green, manicured Oasis. Replete with century old fauna and wild life. I would suggest that you do not land your helicopter on the grass, as President George Bush did. The deep "H" impression the incident left, was probably not very much appreciated by he royal household. The old English proverb " Manners maketh the man" comes to mind.

      At four o'clock  Her Majesty enters. The Queen is known for her kindness and can carry on quite a funny and humorous conversation. She is very easy to talk to.

      I know I  that I am going  lots of fun and it will be a memory dear to my heart. Hope to see you there. 

      Take care and be safe.