Welcome to the latest blog on marketing your business.
Yesterday I mentioned the S.W.O.T. analysis. I was exhausted when I got done. Looking at the outcome made me hopeful and scared at the same time.Most of all it, took lots of blood, sweat and tears. BUT IT'S DONE!!!!!
Where do I go from here? I want to develop a Cash-Cow and you are invited to join me..
Any idea can grow into a business. However, you must find the "GAP" of your business. The Faux Academy prefers to teaches only. No products are sold, only art, knowledge and education. In addition, I teach with every day mediums. Sometimes these medium are unorthodox which is the fun of it and which provides exclusive samples and techniques. Finding your gap you will have to initiate some market research, And yes, I know you find it boring; so do I. But I am committed to my business, because I love what I do and I am good at it.
Your "GAP"
Offer unique and exclusive faux finishes
Give extra ordinary customer service (Remember, your clients pay your salary!)
You need commitment and take some risks (Even if it's stepping out there and doing your market research.)
Start to develop new ideas for your business
If you don't have any news to tell, create some news.
This class is my risk I took, offering a class of that magnitude in an economical difficult time. But be assured I am going to make "News" with it.
If You would like to be in the News, join the class on April 19, 2010