Friday, August 5, 2011

Inspiration... or the lack thereof

Sometimes creative right side brain souls suffer from lack of inspiration.
 We all know that inspiration is an important part of the creative process.Recently, that's  exactly what was happening to me. The more I tried to create, the more I was stuck. Utterly helpless, I decided to do something about it. I registered for the yearly Decorative Art convention in Hampton Virginia. If nothing else, I knew I would be inspired just being  in an environment with like minded artists.

 As the owner of the Faux Academy and a decorative artist, I eventually decided to take a class. Being a student was totally new to me, but I had so much fun. .  I am here to tell you  that it worked. I am inspired again, happy to go back t my studio and starting to create new designs and finishes. My brain is full of ideas.  A warm thank you to all decorative artists who shared, conversed, told jokes and hugged.

Creative types know that inspiration is an important part of our being. If this should strike, there some things you can do.

1. Create a reference file. Every time you get stuck flip through this file and possibly the creative juices are beginning to flow.

2.Hang out with other creative types, talk, share ideas,  learn and listen. from them

3. Allow yourself to be stuck and create anyway.

4. Allow yourself to create "bad" samples and finishes, eventually you will come up with something you like.

Best of Luck


  1. Heidi, you are so right about being inspired... I don't think an artist can ever get too much inspiration no matter where it comes from. I am glad to see you were inspired at IDAL...maybe we can go to the next one together. :)
