“Florentine Plaster”

The incredible Florentine plaster is an easy, yet gorgeous faux finish technique. Still, after about twenty years, one of the best sellers. FP looks like a multi layer technique, but is not. Production is fast, easy and can not be compared to other textured techniques, due to inexpensive application. Contemporary, modern or electic, take your pick, Florentine Plaster will always be the "talk of the party"


An exquisite crocodile leather look alike faux finish. Designed and created for a famous baseball player. The king size bed, custom made to highlight this faux wall finish. Mediums used: Water Putty, Olive oil, gift-wrap etc.


(`granjər,`granˌdyo͝or/) noun: splendor and impressiveness, especially of appearance or style. The dictionary says it all. This grandiose faux finish was created with MM metallic plaster, gold powder and assorted MM metallics.

“There's No Crying in Baseball”

An extremely fast and effective wall glazing finish resembling a baseball. Created with paint only.


I found this beautiful faux finish in Florence, Italy in the Orsini Palace.

Welcome to My Home

Hello and Welcome!! My name is Heidi and one of my passion is faux painting. However, there are otherpasions and I live them daily. Take your pick. Interior design, decorating on the shabby side, gardening, herbs, fashion, culture and and last but not least "Style". In my world, the day should have 48 hours and more.

I am here to share some of my adventures with you, because I love to share and teach. I hope that you come by often and stay a while. Thank you for sharing your time with me.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Faux By Kathy - Professionalism times two!!!!!!

I just feel, that I need to share my  recent experience ordering from Faux By Kathy
We all seem to be familiar when something goes wrong in our business.  The bamboo drums are so fast, that one hardly can take a breath trying to rectify the situation. And of course.... we don't rest until everybody knows. On the other end of the spectrum... the bamboo drums are none-existent when everything runs smoothly with a class, order, or whatever.
So, I am using my bamboo drum to let everybody know, how pleased I was with my recent order experience from Faux by  Kathy. 

I found it somewhat hard to go through her website, however I know that this is my issue. I suffer from impatience and that instant gratification thing. I did not want to take time, but I decided to do it anyway.

I placed my order which was very easy to do and believe or not, within a few hours I received this.

Faux By Kathy
Order Number: 2288
Detailed Invoice: http://www.fauxbykathy.com/store/account_history_info.php?order_id=2288
Date Ordered: Monday 08 August, 2011

The comments for your order are
Your order has been updated to the following status.
New status: Processing

Please reply to this email if you have any questions.

Immediately I thought - How "PROFESSIONAL". I ordered online many times, but this was the first time, that I was informed that they in fact were working on my order. 

A few days later I received this:

Order Number: 2288
Detailed Invoice: http://www.fauxbykathy.com/store/account_history_info.php?order_id=2288
Date Ordered: Monday 08 August, 2011

The comments for your order are

Hi Heidi,
Thank you so much for your order.
We were able to ship it today.

Your order has been updated to the following status.

New status: Shipped

Please reply to this email if you have any questions.

With this notice I was totally at ease again. My order was ready to be shipped. Nice Touch. Thank you Kathy for a job greatly done. 

All my Best,

Monday, August 8, 2011

It's all about color - How to create your color scheme like a professional

Working as a faux finisher and decorative artist,  I have learned that  some of us are afraid of color, although color is the most important aspect of interior design. Choosing the right colors doesn't have to be difficult. Here are some simple  rules you can apply and hopefully you will be able to step out of the color la, la land.

My last blog  tried to get you started in the  color selecting process. Now I am trying to explain the next steps, so you will be able to make the right color decisions. After all, our homes are full of color and we want to feel comfortable in our homes.

Beside warm and cool colors we differentiate in tone in tone(monochromatic), analogous, complimentary and split complimentary color schemes. To make thing less confusing, I only will discuss the main and most important (IMO) schemes. 

Monochromatic: Use tints, shades and and tones of the key color. Tone in tone or monochromatic is balanced, quiet and visually pleasing. No high energy level in this  color scheme.
Monochromatic, tone in tone using shades, tints and tones of the key color

All Images of Paula Grace Designs
 If the quiet simplicity and soothing effect  of the tone in tone color scheme is letting you fall asleep during day, step it up a notch to the analogous color scheme.

The analogous color scheme uses colors which are adjacent to each other 

Analogous cool design

Analogous warm design

Analogous warm design
The analogous color scheme uses one dominant color with punches of sumptuous richness. This scheme is not as vibrant as the complimentary one and one must be careful not to overdo it with lots of hues of too many colors. This color scheme looks much richer then the monochromatic one.

I hope that these tips on color design  selections  make your life a bit easier. Stay tune, more to come soon.

All my Best,

It' All about color - Creatinng color schemes- Where to start

A few hours ago, I posted the Pantone's color palette for 2012. Immediately, I received some e-mails with the obligatory question " How do I select color schemes for my home"?

For some of us it may feel like a daunting task, but it really isn't, if you follow certain rules.I would suggest that you invest in a color wheel, which you may buy in any art store. This color wheel will proof to be a valuable tool in all your decorating efforts.  I can promise, that this tool will take away any of your fears and will allow you to look at your color scheme with the eye of an interior designer. So, not to worry, invest in this inexpensive tool.With the correct color scheme you are able to set a mood, make a statement or just be energized or if you have lots of stress in your life, you can use color to sooth your soul.

 First, decide if you want to have a warm or cool environment. You may also intermix warm and cool colors

Warm colors ( reds, oranges, yellows) seem to be advancing, moving towards you; thus decreasing the size  and space of a room.  However, if you want to create a warm, comfortable and cozy design style, use warm colors, intermixed with a few cool accessories.

Cool color hues ( blue and greens )tend to recede, they move away from you, visually suggesting a larger and open design style. Consequently, if you are dealing with a small space, use cool colors, intermixed with some warm accessories.


Cool Blues 

I hope  that you have gained a little insight into the world of color, and that it will be  easier for you now to select the "mood" for your home.

Stay tune, next blog will be about  how to choose your colors from a color wheel.

All My Best,



It's all about color.... New trends for 2012

In March of this year Pantone, the world renowned color authority,  published nine color palettes. Nine distinctive palettes, each with a much thought about name. Don't ask me how they dream up these names or in what relationship they stand to each other, because I just don't know.

Every year I am excited when the new color trends are published by Pantone. I was raised in the fashion industry, so color always has played an important part in my life. For me it's all about color, style and fashion. If you want your home to be trendy, all you have to do is look at fashion fabrics. I guess, I am fashion forward because my PJ's fit the 2012 Pantone "Back to Fuchsia" palette

Courtesy of "Nidhi" Pattern, Colors and Design

My "Fuchsia" PJs

and my blue PJs match the "Indigo Effects" palette.

My Indigo Pj's

Personally I love the "Resilience" palette. Possibly because I always had to be resilient.

The Oil Yellow, subtle and quiet and the peaceful Oasis green are really  fulfilling my color sense. Resilience or stress free? Who knows? All I know is that I felt compelled to buy some blouses in exactly these colors and I am raking in compliments.  


All color palettes are courtesy of "Nidhi" Pattern, Colors and Design
Maybe you will be inspired with these new colors and are ready to add some to your home decor. You always can pick up a few accessories and change the look of your home.

Until next time.

All my best,


Color is the most powerful way to change and coordinate the look and feel of your home.  

Sunday, August 7, 2011

With love from the USA - Möbel bemalen, ganz einfach

All images courtesy of Annie Sloan
Gefallen Euch diese bemalte und  patinierten Möbelstücke?  Obwohl es nach viel Mühe und Arbeit aussieht, ist es ganz leicht diesen Effekt zu erreichen.

Vor kurzem habe ich eine neue Farbe entdeckt und möchte Euch alles darüber berichten. Die  Kreidefarbe " Chalk Paint" ist ideal für jedes Möbelstück, ja sogar Holzböden und Küchenschränke können bemalt werden. Diese Farbe ist wunderbar und so leicht zu verarbeiten.

Annie Sloan hat diese Farbe speziell für Möbel entworfen, aber Ihr könnt auch Eure Wände bemalen, da die Farbe sehr umweltfreundlich ist. Mein Kommentar..... Ich habe mich verliebt.

Auf einer Messe durfte ich mit dieser Farbe spielen. Ich war überrascht wie leicht ich eine wunderbare und echte  Patina erreichen konnte.  Viele von uns lieben den französischen und italienischen Landhausstil. Mit Chalk paint könnt Ihr leicht und sehr schnell Euren Lieblingsstil kreativ gestalten. 
Kreidefarbe " Chalk Paint" hat besondere Vorzüge:

  1. Das Beste ist wohl daß keine Vorbereitungen nötig sind. Kein Abschleifen ….. nichts. Etwas müßt Ihr wohl machen..... Die Dose öffnen und fertig.
  2. Die beste Farbe für Möbel und Holzböden
  3. Kann mit Wasser verdünnt werden um die Holzmaserung zu zeigen.
  4. Ihr könnt die Farbe auch als Pastose verwenden. Einfach offen stehen lassen.

Habe ich Euch überzeugt. Ihr müsst diese Farbe einfach ausprobieren.

Viel Spaß dabei.

Alles Liebe

Saturday, August 6, 2011

With love from the USA....... Heisse Blogs

Hallo Europa, 

Viele Grüße aus dem "Amiland"!
Erst mit dem Dekorieren wird unser  Zuhause eine komfortable Oase. Oft wissen wir nicht welchen Stil  wir möchten  und bleiben kurzum im  Dekoland stecken.  Ich weiß wie man sich helfen kann. Es gibt wunderschöne Blogs von denen man sich Ideen  und Inspirationen holen kann. Hier habe ich eine Liste von meinen  Lieblingsblogs zusammen gestellt. Hoffe Ihr habt Spaß und lasst Euch von uns Amerikanern ein bisschen inspirieren.

Dekoriert wie die Profis und setzt Euren Stil in Szene.

Melissa wird sich ganz sicher auf Euren Besuch freuen. "The Inspired Room" (das inspirirende Zimmer) liebt den eklektischen Einrichtungsstil. Sollte dieser Stil auch Euch gefallen, so seid ihr hier an der richtigen Adresse.

Anne from " Fiona and Twig" hat bezaubernde Shabby Chic Accessoires die Euch bestimmt gefallen werden. Schaut doch einfach  einmal vorbei. Ihr werdet es nicht bereuen.

Julie von " Belle Maison" war wieder einmal einkaufen. Oben könnt Ihr sehen was Ihr  gefällt. Ich finde die Koffer einfach ganz große Klasse. Diese Koffer wären "Spitze" als Beistelltisch. Vielleicht findet Ihr einige alte Koffer die Ihr anstreichen könnt.

AnNicole vom "Surburban Cottage" liebt billigen Chic. Wir sagen dazu "Shoe string". Wer liebt nicht billig aber schön? Schaut mal vorbei und seht wie man für billiges Geld sein Nest verschönern kann.

So, das wäre alles für heute. Ich hoffe, daß mein deutsch nicht zu schwer zum lesen ist. Seit dreißig Jahren spreche und schreibe ich nur englisch und habe fast meine deutsche Muttersprache vergessen. Bitte um Vergebung. 

All my best