Friday, July 23, 2010

Behr Paint and Primer in One - does it really work?

Yesterday,  I explained how to paint/prep kitchen cabinets for application of a French  Country look glaze. My passion, playing with paint, got hold of me,  feeling compelled to try a new product."Behr Premium Plus, Paint and Primer In One". Maybe you have seen the TV commercials. 

I was quite disappointed applying the coating. It just didn't work  the way I am used to. I did not prime the surfaces, simply because the primer is supposed to be in the paint. Maybe it is or maybe it is not. All I know it seemed to peel off very easily. even after the 2nd coat. I followed  the instructions to a "T". For my next project I am going back to my favorite primer Zinsser, Bulls Eye 1.2.3..

1.2.3 followed by 2 top coats - and it sticks!!. The moral of this post: Sometimes it is best to leave things the way they are.!!

This is why I like 1.2.3. Primer. It never has failed me. No sanding necessary so it's a time saver. It even works on mirrors and other glossy surfaces.  It's just a great product, and I guess you get what you pay for.

Happy Painting!!


  1. That is so good to know. We are going to be painting our house soon and might have been tempted to buy it.

    New follower... stopping by from the Blog Frog.

